1. Sambhúta. A candála, brother of Citta. He was the Bodhisatta's sister's son. See the Citta Sambhúta Játaka. Sambhúta is identified with Ananda. J.iv.401.

2. Sambhúta Thera. A brahmin of Rájagaha who, with his friends, Bhúmija, Jeyyasena and Abirádhana, entered the Order. Because he stayed continuously in the Sítavana, meditating on the nature of the body, he came to be called "Sítavaniya." In due course he won arahantship, and the verses, declaring his aññá, are included in the Theragáthá (Thag.vs.6).

It is said (ThagA.i.46) that when Sambhúta was meditating, Vessavana passing that way, saw him and worshipped him, and left two Yakkhas to keep guard and to tell Sambhúta of his visit. When the Thera had finished his meditations, the Yakkhas gave him Vessavana's message offering him protection. But he refused their protection saying that the mindfulness taught by the Buddha was sufficient guard. On his return journey, Vessavana again visited him, and, realizing from the appearance of the Elder that he had achieved his goal, went to the Buddha at Sávatthi and announced to him Sambhúta's attainment.

Sambhúta had been a householder in the time of Atthadassí Buddha, and conveyed the Buddha and a large company across a river. He is probably identical with Taraniya Thera of the Apadána. Ap.i.204f.; see also VibhA.306 and SA.iii.201, where Sambhúta is given as an example of one who developed lokuttaradhamma by developing the heart (cittam dhuram katvá).

3. Sambhúta Thera. He belonged to a family of clansmen and joined the Order under Ananda, after the Buddha's death, attaining arahantship in due course.

He lived in the bliss of emancipation, till one century after the Buddha's death, and, when the Vajjiputtaka heresy arose, his help was sought by Yasa Kákandakaputta.

At that time he lived on Ahogangapabbata and was called Sánavásí because he wore a hempen robe.

At the assembly of the arahants held on Ahogangapabbata, Sambhúta suggested that they should seek the support of Soreyya Revata. Together they went to Sabbakámí, and Sambhúta questioned him regarding the "Ten Points."

Sambhúta was one of the monks appointed to the committee to discuss the points raised, and when they were declared heretical, he joined in the holding of the Second Council. Vin.ii.298 f., 303ff.; ThagA.i.390 f.; Mhv.iv.18, 57; Dpv.iv.49; v.22; Sp.i.34f.

A series of verses uttered by Sambhúta, moved by righteous emotion at the proposed perversion of the Dhamma and Vinaya by the Vajjiputtakas, is included in the Theragáthá (Thag.vss.291 4).

In the past, during a period when there were no Buddhas in the world, Sambhúta was a kinnara on the banks of the Candabhágá, and seeing a Pacceka Buddha, he worshipped him and offered him ajjuna flowers.

He is evidently identical with Ajjunapupphiya of the Apadána. Ap.i.450.

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