1. Makhádeva. King, son of Ságaradeva, in the direct line from Mahásammata. He was a great and liberal ruler, and his sons and grandsons, eighty four thousand in number, reigned in Mithilá, the last of them being Nemiya, son of Kálárajanaka (Dpv.iii.34 f.; Mhv.ii.10; MT.129; DA.i.258 calls him the son of Upacara; also SNA.i.352).

His dynasty was followed by that of Okkáka, so that he is one of the ancestors of the Sákiyans (DA.i.258; SNA.i.352).

See also Makhádeva Játaka and Makhádeva Sutta.

Makhádeva is identified with the Bodhisatta. In a later birth he became Nimi. v.l. Maghádeva.

2. Makhádeva. A yakkha, identified with Angulimála. For his story see Sutana Játaka. J.iii.325ff.

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