A grove in the Bhagga country. It contained a Deer Park wherein the Buddha stayed, on Sumsumáragiri. Near by was the house in which lived Nakulapitá and Nakhulamátá (A.ii.61; iii.295; S.iii.1; iv.116).

Once, when the Buddha was at Bhesakalávana, he saw, with his divine eye, Anuruddha dwelling in the Pácínavamsadáya in the Ceti country, and appeared before him to encourage him in his meditations (A.iv.228ff.; J.iii.157).

The palace Kokanada, built for Prince Bodhi, was in the neighbourhood of the grove (Vin.ii.127; DhA.iii.134, etc.).

It was while staying in this grove that Mahá Moggallána was molested by Mára and he preached the Máratajjaniya Sutta (M.i.332).

Singálapitá is said to have retired to Bhesakalávana for his meditations (ThagA.i.70).

The grove received its name from the fact that its presiding spirit was a Yakkhiní called Bhesákalá (SA.ii.181).

According to the Buddhavamsa Commentary (BuA.3), the Buddha spent the eight vassa at Bhesakalávana.

The Divyávadána calls it Bhísanikávana. Dvy.182.

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