1. Vāsettha Sutta. The young brahmins, Vāsettha and Bhāradvāja, fell to discussing one day, at Icchānankala, as to what makes a true brahmin. Bhāradvāja maintained that it was pure descent from seven generations of ancestors, with neither break nor blemish in the lineage, whereas Vāsettha contended that virtue and moral behaviour made a true brahmin. As neither could convince the other, they agreed to refer the matter to the Buddha, who said it was not birth but deeds which made the true brahmin. M.ii.196ff. The sutta also occurs in SN., p.115ff.; many of the verses are included in the Brāhmana Vagga of the Dhammapada.

2. Vāsettha Sutta. The lay disciple Vāsettha visits the Buddha at the Kūtāgārasālā in Vesāli and states that it would be a good thing for them, for many a day, if his kinsmen, brahmins, trades folk, labourers, etc., kept the uposatha with the eightfold qualifications. The Buddha agrees, and says, further, that it would be good if not only gods and men but even the trees were to keep it. A.iv.258.

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