1. Yasodhará. See Ráhulamátá.

2. Yasodhará. The daughter of the Treasurer of Sunandagáma; she offered a meal of milk rice to Kondañña Buddha. BuA.108.

3. Yasodhará. Wife of the khattiya Yasavá and mother of Anomadussí Buddha. J.i.36; DhA.i.105; Bu.viii.17; AA.i.85.

4. Yasodhará. Daughter of King Jayasena. She married Añjana the Sákiyan, and their children were Máyá and Pajápatí and Dandapání and Suppabuddha (Mhv.ii.16ff).

Yasodhará was the sister of Síhahanu. MT. 35; see also Mtu.i.355.

5. Yasodhará. Daughter of Vijayabáhu I. and Lílávatí. She married Víravamma and had two daughters, Lílávatí and Sugalá (Cv.lix.26). She was later raised to the rank of rájiní (? queen) by Vijayabáhu, and erected a massive building, called Pásádapáda, in the Kappúramúláyatana. Cv.lx.83.

6. Yasodhará. One of the chief women supporters of Sumedha Buddha. Bu.xii.25.

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