1. Yámá. A class of Devas, mentioned in lists of devas between those of Távatimsa and those of Tusita (E.g., Vin.i.12, A.i.228; iii.287; M.ii.194; iii.100, etc.). Two hundred years of human life are but one day to the Yáma devá, and two thousand Years, composed of such days, form their life period (A.i.213; iv.253). Sirimá, sister of Jívaka, was born after death in the Yáma world and became the wife of Suyáma, king of

Yámabhavana. From there she visited the Buddha with five hundred others. SNA i.244f.; see also VvA.246 for an upásaka born in the Yáma-world. In the Hatthipála Játaka (J.iv.475) mention is made of four Yáma-devas who were reborn as men.

The meaning of Yámá is explained in the Commentaries (E.g., VibhA.519; PSA.441) as "those that have attained divine bliss" (dibbam sukham yátá payátá sampattá ti Yámá). Other explanations are “misery freed" or "governing gods”. Compendium, p.138, n.2.

2. Yámá. In some contexts, Yámá seems to have been derived from Yama, king of the underworld -  e.g in such expressions as "Yámato yáva Akanittham" (From the underworld to the highest heaven). KhA.166.

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