Wife of Kákavannatissa and mother of Dutthagámaní and Saddhátissa. She was the daughter of Tissa, king of Kalyání and was cast adrift in a boat on the ocean in order to appease the sea gods in their wrath against Tissa for having killed an arahant. Her name was Deví, but because she came ashore near the monastery of Tolaka (?) (This is probably the correct reading of the name; see MT. 432) she was called Viháradeví (Mhv.xxii.20ff). When with her first child, she longed to eat a honeycomb one usabha in length and to drink the water in which had been washed the sword used in cutting off the head of Nandasárathí, chief of Elára's warriors (Mhv.42ff.; MT. 441). When she was the second time with child, she wished to lie under a campaka tree in bloom and inhale its fragrance (MT.443).

When her husband died, Saddhátissa carried her off, hoping thus to win the kingdom, but she was later restored to Dutthagámaní. She was wise and practical and helped in Dutthagámaní's campaigns, especially in the capture of Ambatittha and Anurádhapura (Mhv.xxv.9, 55). We know nothing of her later history.

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