The name of a people inhabiting the north east of Ceylon. They are first mentioned in the Chronicles (Cv.lxxxi.11), in the reign of Vijayabáhu III. (1232 36), who, with their help, gained the throne of Ceylon.

They appear to have inhabited the frontier country between Jaffna and the Singhalese kingdom and were either subjects of one or other of these states, or affected complete independence, according to the strength of their neighbours.

Vijayabáhu IV. made friends with the Vanni chiefs and gave into their hands the protection of Anurádhapura (Cv.lxxxviii.87). They seem to have been a warlike people. Today they occupy a few small villages in the North Central Province of Ceylon and go in largely for hunting.

Their origin is unknown, though they are called Síhalá (E.g., Cv.lxxxiii.10). Several of their chieftains are mentioned by name, as having been overcome by Bhuvanekabáhu I. -  e.g., Kadalíváta, Apána, Tipa, Himiyánaka (Cv.xc.33).

The adjective from Vanní is Vańńa. See, e.g., Cv.lxxxiii.10; lxxxvii.26.

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