1. Vaccha. A brahmin ascetic of long ago, near whose hut lived some Kinnaras. A spider used to weave his web around them, crack their heads and drink their blood. The Kinnaras sought Vaccha's assistance, but Vaccha refused to kill the spider, till tempted by the offer of a Kinnara maiden named Rathavatí as his servant. Vaccha killed the spider and lived with Rathavatí as his wife.

This story was among those related by Mahosadha's parrot Máthara to the mynah bird of the Pañcála king's palace, to show her that in love there is no unlikeness -  a man may well mate with a Kinnari, a parrot with a mynah. J.vi.422.

2. Vaccha. See Kisavaecha, Nandavaccha, Pilindavaccha, Tirítavaccha, Vacchagotta, etc. Also Ukkhepakatavaocha and the two Vanavacchas.

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