Daughter of Mahánáma the Sákiyan by a slave-woman named Nágamundá (J.i.133). When Pasenadi asked for a Sákiyan girl in marriage, she was given to him. Mahá-náma went through the pretence of eating with her in order to allay Pasenadi's suspicions. It is said (J.iv.145) that Mahá-náma sat down to eat with her, but that as he was about to take the first mouthful, a messenger arrived, as prearranged, and brought him an urgent letter. He, thereupon, left the food uneaten in order to read the letter, and asked Vásabhakkhattiyá to finish her meal.

Vidúdabha was the son of Vásabhakkhattiyá. It was this deceit practised on Pasenadi which made Vidúdabha take his revenge on the Sákiyans (DhA.i.345 f; J.iv.145f).

It is said that when Pasenadi discovered Vásabhakkhattiyá's servile origin, he degraded both her and her son from their rank, and that they never went outside the palace (J.i.133f.; iv.148; aft also M.ii.110, where she is called Vásabhá).

When the Buddha heard of this, he visited the king, preached to him the Katthahári Játaka, and had the queen restored to honour.

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