One of the ten chief warriors of Dutthagámani. His personal name was Abhaya. His father was the headman of the village Kitti in Rohana, and Theraputtábhaya, when sixteen, wielded a club thirty-eight inches round and sixteen cubits long. He was therefore sent to Kákavannatissa's court. Abhaya's father was a supporter of Mahásumma and, having heard a discourse from him, became a Sotápanna, entered the Order and soon afterwards became an arahant. His son, thereupon, came to be called Theraputtábhaya (Mhv.xxiii.2, 63ff). At the end of Dutthagámani's campaigns, Abhaya took leave of the king and joined the Order, became an arahant, and lived with five hundred other arahants (Mhv.xxvi.2). When Dutthagámani lay on his deathbed Abhaya visited him and gladdened his heart by reminding him of the works of great merit he had done (Mhv.xxxii.48ff).

In a previous birth he had given milk-rice to monks, hence his great strength (MT.453).

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