A large lake below the Vebhára mountain, outside Rájagaha. The lake was cool, but the stream flowing from it, also called Tapodá (Vin.iii.108; iv.116f; DA.i.35; UdA.110), was hot. Around it was the Tapodáráma (q.v.).


It is said (SA.i.30f; Sp.ii.512) that the water of the river was hot because it flowed between two Lohakumbhi-nirayas, which existed under Rájagaha. The lake was the playground of the Nágas who dwelt at the foot of the Vebhára mountain. Monks and recluses were evidently in the habit of going to the Tapodá to bathe in the hot springs. Thus, we find Samiddhi being questioned by a deity as he dried himself after bathing in the Tapodá (S.i.8ff; M.iii.192ff; J.ii.56), and the Anguttara Nikáya (v.196f) records a discussion between Ananda and the paribbájaka Kokanuda, on the banks of the Tapodá, where they had gone to bathe.

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