The householder Tapassu visits Ananda at Uruvelakappa, and expresses surprise that young men in the fullness of life can renounce the pleasures of household life and enter the Order. Amanda takes Tapassu to the Buddha, who is having his siesta at the foot of a tree in the Mahávana, and repeats Tapassu's remark. The Buddha tells Amanda how he himself had attained to Buddhahood by passing through the nine successive stages, the anupubbavihárá. These nine stages consist of the four jhánas, the four áyatanas (ákásánańcáyatana, etc.), and, as the crowning stage, the sańńávedayitanirodha (A.iv.438ff).

The Tapassu mentioned is evidently identical with the brother of Bhalluka mentioned above.


The Commentary (AA.ii.814) on this passage makes no attempt to distinguish him from any other.

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