A group of heretical monks (Sarvástivádins), an offshoot of the Mahimsásakas. The Kassapiyá were a branch of the same (Mhv.v.8f; Dpv.v.47). They held that everything is, exists, is constantly existing, because it is, was, or will be, matter and mind, and these continually exist (Kvu.i.6, 7); that penetration of truth is won little by little (Kvu.ii.9). They agreed with the Uttarápathakas that conscious flux may amount to samádhi (Kvu.xi.6), and with the Vajjiputtiyas that an arahant may fall away. Kvu.i.2; see J.R.A.S. 1892, 1ff., 597; 1894, 534; J.P.T.S. 1905, 67f.

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