1. Pajjota

See Candappajjota (??).

2. Pajjota

A tank near Kásapabbata, built by Dutthagámaní. Near it was the city of Pajjotanagara. Mhv.xxv.51; M.i.346.

1. Pajjota Sutta

The four splendours: of the moon, the sun, fire, and wisdom. A.ii.140.

2. Pajjota Sutta

The four things that give light: the sun, the moon, fire, and the Buddha, the Buddha being the best. S.i.15.

3. Pajjota Sutta

A series of questions asked by a deva, and the Buddha's answers; the first being on radiance   wisdom gives radiance to all the world. S.i.44.

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