1. Pajápati

A name given to Mára, because he uses his power over all creatures. M.i.2; MA.i.28.

2. Pajápati

One of the kings of the devas, mentioned with Sakka, Varuna, Isána, etc. S.i.219; D.i.244; in J.v.28 he is mentioned with Varuna and Soma; see also D.ii.274; DA.iii.709.

Buddhaghosa says (SA.i.262) that he, among the gods, was like Sakka in looks and that he lived to the same age, but in the assembly he occupied the second seat. He is sometimes mentioned with Brahmá, as distinct from him. J.vi.568, 571; M.i.140, 327, 329.

In the Atánátiya Sutta (D.iii.204) he is mentioned among the Maháyakkhas, to be invoked by followers of the Buddha in times of danger.

3. Pajápati

See Mahá Pajápatí Gotamí.

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