1. Padumapújaka Thera

An arahant. Ninety one kappas ago he lived in Romasa, near Himavá, and offered a lotus to the Pacceka Buddha Sambhava (Ap.i.279f.; see also Padumadháriya). In the Theragáthá Commentary (i.399) his verses are attributed to Sappaka Thera, and it is said there that in the time of Sambhava he was a Nága king.

2. Padumapújaka Thera

An arahant. Ninety one kappas ago he was an ascetic in Gotama, near Himavá, and, together with his pupils, he called to mind the Buddha's virtues and offered lotuses in his name. Fifty one kappas ago he was a king named Jaluttama (Ap.i.162f).

He is probably identical with Mendasira. ThagA.i.172.

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