A district in Ceylon near Cittapabbata (Mhv.xxiii.4; see Mhv.Trs.155, n.3 and Cv. Trs.i.71, n.2) in which was the Vettavása vihára, given by Aggabodhi II. to the Kalinga minister who was ordained by Jotipála Thera (Cv.xlii.48). The road to the district lay to the south of Anurádhapura, past the Potters' Village. The Visuddhimagga (p.90) speaks of it as a prosperous place.

The Anguttara Commentary (AA.ii.489; also DA.iii.1010) has a story of a monk of the vihára who was a pamsukulika and became an arahant.

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