A monastic building, once the residence of a monk named Mahádhammakathí. Kassapa II. found the buildings dilapidated, and, during their restoration, he persuaded the Elder to live in a large pásáda attached to the Maricavatti vihara.

The Elder was proficient in the Abhidhamma, and the king caused the Abhidhamma and the Commentaries to be recited by him. The village of Mahánitthula was given to him for his maintenance (Cv.xliv.149ff.; xlv.2). Nágasálá was also the residence of Dáthásiva (Ibid.xlvi.6).

A parivena, called the Nágasála parivena, was built by Aggabodhi, ruler of Malaya and minister to the king, in the reign of Sena III., who gave a village for its maintenance (Ibid.,liii.36).

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