1. Mittá (v.l. Mettá) Therí. Ninety one kappas ago, in the time of Vipassí Buddha, she was one of the consorts of King Bandhumá and won meritorious kamma by bestowing food and costly raiment on an arahant Therí. After death she was born in Tavátimsa and was wife of the king of the gods thirty times, and then chief queen of twenty kings of men. In this age she belonged to a Sákyan family of Kapilavatthu and left the world with Pajápatí Gotamí, winning arahantship soon after. (Thig.vs.31f )

She is evidently identical with Ekapinidadáyiká of the Apadána. ThigA.36f.; Ap.ii.515f.

2. Mittá. Younger sister of Vijayabáhu I. She married the Pandu king and had three sons, Mánábharana, Kittisirimegha and Sirivallabha. Cv.lix.41; lxi.1; lxii.1.

3. Mittá. Daughter of Mánábharana (1), her sister being Pabhávatí. She married Mánábharana, son of Sirivallabha. Cv.lxii.3; lxiii.6; lxiv.19.

1. Mittá Sutta. Those whom one holds in affection one should admonish and establish in the satipatthánas. S.v.189.

2. Mittá Sutta. The same as 1, with the four Ayrian Truths. S.v.434.

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