1. Kálinga, Kalinga.-An inhabitant of Ńátika. While staying in Ńátika, at the Gińjakávasatha, the Buddha tells Ananda that Kálinga was reborn after death in the Suddhavásá, and that there he would attain to nibbána. D.ii.92; S.v.358f

2. Kálinga.-A country: the Kálingarattha. It is one of the seven political divisions mentioned in the time of the mythical king Renu and is given first in the list, its capital being Dantapura and its king Sattabhú. (D.ii.235f; see also Mtu.iii.208; the Mtu. also mentions a king Uggata of Dantapura, iii.364f).

It is not, however, included in the list of sixteen Janapadas appearing in the Anguttara Nikáya (A.i.213, etc.), but is found in the extended list of the Niddesa (CNid.ii.37). A later tradition (Bu.xviii.6) states that after the Buddha's death, a Tooth was taken from among his relics and placed at Kálinga, where it was worshipped. From Kálinga the Tooth was brought to Ceylon, in the time of King Sirimeghavanna, by Hemamálá, daughter of Guhasíva, king of Kálinga, and her husband Dantakumára, a prince of the Ujjeni royal family. In Ceylon the Tooth became the "Palladium" of the Sinhalese kings. (Cv.xxxvii.92; see also Cv.Trs.i.7, n.4; the Dáthádhátuvamsa gives details, J.P.T.S.1884, pp.108ff).

The Játakas contain various references to Kálinga. There was once a great drought in Dantapura, and the king, acting on the advice of his ministers, sent brahmins to the king of Kuru to beg the loan of his state elephant, Ańjanavasabha, credited with the power of producing rain. On this occasion, however, the elephant failed and the Kálinga king, hearing of the virtues practised by the king and people of Dantapura, offered them himself, upon which rain fell. See the Kurudhamma Játaka, J.ii.367ff, also DhA.iv.88f. A similar story is related in the Vessantara Játaka, vi.487, where the Kálinga brahmins ask for and obtain Vessantara's white elephant that he may stay the drought in Kálinga.

Another king of Kálinga was a contemporary of Aruna, the Assaka king of Potali. The Kálinga king, in his eagerness for a fight, picked a quarrel with Aruna, but was worsted in battle, and had to surrender his four daughters with their dowries to Aruna (J.iii.3f).

The Kálingabodhi Játaka relates the story of another ruler of Kálinga while, according to the Sarabhanga Játaka, a certain king of Kálinga (J.v.135f) went with two other kings, Atthaka and Bhímaratta, to ask Sarabhanga questions referring to the fate of Dandakí. There they heard the sage preach, and all three kings became ascetics. Another king of Kálinga was Nálikíra, who, having ill-treated a holy man, was swallowed up in the Sunakha-niraya, while his country was laid waste by the gods and turned into a wilderness (Kálingárańńa). The Kálinga-arańńa is referred to in the Upáli Sutta (M.i.378); the story is related in J.v.144 and, in greater detail, in MA.ii.602ff. In the Kumbhakára Játaka (J.iii.376) the Kálinga king's name is Karandu.

From early times there seems to have been political intercourse between the peoples of Kálinga and Vanga; Susímá, grandmother of Vijaya, founder of the Sinhalese race, was a Kálinga princess, married to the king of Vanga (Mhv.vi.1; Dpv.ix.2ff). Friendly relations between Ceylon and Kálinga were evidently of long standing, for we find in the reign of Aggabodhi II. (601-11 A.C.) the king of Kálinga, together with his queen and his minister, coming over to Ceylon intent on leading the life of a recluse and joining the Order under Jotipála. Aggabodhi and his queen treated them with great honour (Cv.xlii.44ff). Later, the queen consort of Mahinda IV. came from Kálinga and Vijayabáhu I. married a Kálinga princess, Tilokasundarí (Cv.lix.30). We are told that scions of the Kálinga dynasty had many times attained to the sovereignty of Ceylon and that there were many ties of relationship between the royal families of the two countries (Cv.lxiii.7, 12f). But it was Mágha, an offspring of the Kálinga kings, who did incomparable damage to Ceylon and to its religion and literature (Cv.lxxx.58ff).

According to the inscriptions, Asoka, in the thirteenth year of his reign, conquered Kálinga and this was the turning-point in his career, causing him to abhor war (Mookerji: Asoka, pp.16, 37, 214). Among the retinue sent by him to accompany the branch of the Sacred Bodhi Tree on its journey to Ceylon, were eight families of Kálinga (Sp.i.96).

Asoka's brother Tissa, later known as Ekaviháriya, spent his retirement in the Kálinga country with his instructor Dhammarakkhita, and there Asoka built for him the Bhojakagiri-vihára (ThagA.i.506).

According to the Vessantara Játaka (J.vi.521), the brahmin village Dunnivittha, residence of Jújaka, was in Kálinga.

Kálinga is generally identified with the modern Orissa. (CAGI.590ff; Law: Early Geography, 64; see also Bhandarkar: Anct. Hist. of Deccan, p.12).

3. Kálinga.-Various kings of Kálinga are mentioned either as Kálingarájá or simply as Kálinga. For these see Kálinga (2). We also hear of Culla Kálinga and Mahá Kálinga. Culla Kálinga is sometimes called Kálinga-kumára (J.iv.230).

4. Kálinga.-Son of Culla-Kálinga. See the Kálingabodhi Játaka.

5. Kálinga.-A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara (Cv.lxxvi.174, 214, 217, 222). He was a brother of the wife of Tondamána. Cv.lxxvii.40.

6. Kálinga.-Another Damila chief, conquered by Bhuvenakabáhu I. Cv.xc.32.

7. Kálinga.-See Kálinga-bháradvája.

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