1. Kálí.-See Kálakanní (3).

2. Kálí.-Called Kururaghariká, described among laywomen as the best of those who believe even from hearsay (anussavappasannánam) (A.i.26).

She was the mother of Sona Kutikanna, and her husband belonged to Kururaghara in Avanti. When with child, she came to her parents in Rájagaha, and there, while enjoying the cool breeze on the balcony above her roof (síhapańjare), she overheard the conversation which took place between Sátágira and Hemavata on the excellences of the Buddha and of his teaching; as she listened, faith in the Buddha grew in her and she became a sotápanna. That same night Sona was born. Later, Kálí returned to Kururughara and there waited on Mahá Kaccána. When Sona entered the Order under Kaccána and visited the Buddha, she gave him a costly rug to be spread in the Buddha's chamber. When Sona returned home after this visit, Kálí asked him to preach to her in the same way as he had earlier preached to the Buddha, earning the applause of the Buddha himself and of the devas of the ten thousand worlds.

Kálí was considered most senior among the women who became sotápannas (sabbamátugámánam antare pathamakasotápanná sabbajetthiká) (AA.i.133ff; SnA.i.208f). She was the constant companion and staunch friend of Kátiyáni (AA.i.245). Kálí's wish to attain to the eminence which she reached in this life was made in the time of Padumuttara Buddha when she heard a laywoman declared pre-eminent among those who had begotten faith by hearsay (AA.i.247).

A conversation between her and Mahá Kaccána is related in the Kálí Sutta (q.v.).

3. Kálí.-Maidservant of Videhiká of Sávatthi. Videhiká was reputed to be gentle and meek, but Kálí, who was a bright girl and a good worker, thought she would test her mistress. One day she rose late and, on being reproved, spoke very lightly of her fault. Finding that Videhiká lost her temper, Kálí repeated her offence several times, until one day her mistress struck her with a lynch-pin, drawing blood from her head. Kálí ran out and roused the neighbourhood with her shrieks. Videhiká's reputation for meekness was no more. The story is related in the Kakacúpama Sutta. M.i.125f

4. Kálí.-A Mára-woman, sister of Dúsí (q.v.) and mother of the Mára of the present age (Vasavatti?). (M.i.333)

5. Kálí.-A crematrix (chavadáhiká) of Sávatthi. Seeing Mahákála meditating in the cemetery, she cut off from a recently cremated body its thighs and arms, and making of them a sort of milk bowl, placed it near where the Thera sat. Thag.151; ThagA.i.271; more details are given in DhA.i.57ff.

6. Kálí.-A Yakkhiní. A householder, having a barren wife, married another woman, a friend of the former. Every time a child was conceived, the first wife brought about a miscarriage; at last the second wife died through a miscarriage and, on her deathbed, vowed to take her revenge. After several births, in which each, alternately, devoured the children of the other, the second wife became an ogress named Kálí and the first wife was born in a good family. Twice the ogress ate the latter's children; on the third occasion Kálí was occupied in Vessavana's service and the child was left unhurt. On his naming day the parents took him to Jetavana, and there, as the mother was giving suck to her child, while her husband bathed in the monastery pool, she saw the ogress and, being terrified, dashed into the monastery where the Buddha was preaching. The guardian deity, Sumana, prevented Kálí's entrance, but the Buddha, having heard the story, sent for Kálí and preached to her, whereupon she became a sotápanna. The Buddha persuaded the two women to become friends, and Kálí lived in the house of the other; but being uncomfortable there and at various other lodgings provided for her, she ultimately lived outside the village. There her aid was invoked for the protection of the crops, and eight ticket-foods (salákabhatta) were established in her honour. DhA.i.37ff

7. Kálí.-Wife of Kotúhalaka (q.v.) and mother of Kápi (DhA.i.169). When Kotúhalaka was born as Ghosaka, she became his wife after having saved his life (DhA.i.181). See Ghosaka.

8. Kálí.-A maidservant of the setthi of Kosambí. She it was who secured Ghosaka (q.v.) for the setthi, and when the setthi wished to get rid of him, the task was entrusted to her. Seven times she tried to have him killed, but all her attempts failed (DhA.i.174ff). Later Kálí confessed her share in the setthi's crime, and seems to have been forgiven by both Ghosaka and his wife (DhA.i.186f).

9. Kálí. -A courtesan of Benares, sister of Tundila. She earned one thousand a day. Tundila was a debauchee, and so wasted her money that she refused to give him any more and had him cast out. A merchant's son, visiting Kálí, found Tundila in despair and gave him his own clothes. When the latter left the courtesan's house the next day, the clothes with which he had been provided according to custom were taken away, and he had to walk the streets naked.

The story is included in the Takkáriya Játaka (J.iv.248ff). In the stanzas of the Játaka Kálí is also called Káliká.

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