A Sákiyan lady. She is declared to be a sotápanna, and a conversation between her and the Buddha, who visited her while staying at the Nigrodháráma in Kapilavatthu, is recorded in the Káli Sutta (S.v.396). In the sutta she is addressed as Godhá; she may have belonged to the same family as Godha (q.v.). She was the mother of Bhaddiya Thera, declared to be the best of the monks of aristocratic birth (Thag.v.864; A.i.23; ThagA.ii.55).


The Anguttara Commentary (AA.i.109) states that her name was Godhá, and that she was called Káli because of her dark colour. She was the most senior of the Sákyan ladies of the time. Dhammapála speaks of her as ágataphalá, viññátasásaná. UdA.161.

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