1. Kálavela.-A monastery in Ceylon, the residence of Mahá-Moliyadeva Thera (q.v.). J.vi.30.

2. Kálavela.-A servant of Díghagámani.. He refused to promise the brothers of Ummádacittá that he would kill her if she gave birth to a boy, and so he was killed by them and reborn as a yakkha (Mhv.ix.22f). Later he saved the life of this boy, Pandukábhaya, who was being carried in a basket (Mhv.x.4), and when Pandukábhaya came to the throne, he founded a settlement for Káladeva to the east of Anurádhapura (Mhv.vs.84). It is said that on feast days the yakkha appeared in visible form in company with Pandukábhaya (Mhv.vs104).

Mahásena afterwards built a thúpa on the site of Kálavela's shrine. Mhv.xxxvii.44.

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