A city in Anga; it was sixty leagues from Mithilá, with which it was connected by a cart-road (J.vi.31f). To Kálacampá came sages from the Himalaya to procure salt and sour condiments (J.vi.256). There lived Punnaka's relations (J.vi.274). Varuna, the Nága king, tells Vidhúra that he (Varuna) and his wife were once inhabitants of Kálacampá (J.vi.317). Kálacampá is probably another name for Campá (q.v.); in fact, the name Campá is used more than once in reference to Kálacampá (E.g., J.vi.32). According to the Anguttara Commentary (AA.i.131), Sona Kolivisa was born in Kálacampá; the Theragáthá Commentary (ThagA.i.544), however, speaks of his birthplace as Campá.

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