Kákátí was the chief queen of the King of Benares (the Bodhisatta). A certain Garuda king came disguised as a man and played at dice with the king. Having fallen in love with Kákátí, the Garuda carried her off to his abode by the Simbalí-Lake and there lived with her. The king, missing his queen, sent his physician, Natakuvera, to look for her. The physician hid himself in the Garuda's plumage and thus reached the palace where Kákátí was. There he enjoyed her favour and returned to Benares in the Garuda's wing. While the Garuda and the king were playing at dice, Natakuvera sang a song telling of his experiences with Kákátí. The Garuda, realising what had happened, brought the queen back to Benares.

The story was related by the Buddha to a monk who was discontented on account of a woman. The monk is identified with Natakuvera (J.iii.90-2).

The story is among those related by the bird Kunála, in the Kunála Játaka. There (J.v.428) we learn that the Garuda's name was Venateyya, who is identified with Kunála.

The Kákátí Játaka very closely resembles the Sussondí Játaka. J.iii.187ff.

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