1. Káka Játaka (No.140).-The Bodhisatta was once born as a crow. One day a crow dropped filth on the king's chaplain as he was returning from the bath arrayed in all his splendour. He thereupon conceived hatred against all crows. Soon after that a woman slave, watching some rice spread out in the sun to dry, was angered by a goat who, as soon as she fell asleep, started to eat the rice. In exasperation she fetched a torch and struck the goat's shaggy back, which caught fire. To ease its pain, the goat ran into the hayshed near the king's elephant-stalls and rolled in the hay. In the conflagration that ensued many of the elephants were badly burnt, and when the chaplain was consulted, remembering his anger against crows, he said that the cure for burns was crows' fat. Crows were accordingly being mercilessly slaughtered; the Bodhisatta, hearing of this sought the king and explained to him the chaplain's motive. Crows had no fat, he said, because their life is passed in ceaseless dread. The king, being greatly pleased with the Bodhisatta's act, granted immunity to all living beings, showing particular favour towards crows.

The circumstances which led to the recital of the story are described in the Bhaddasála Játaka (q.v.). The king in the story was Ananda.

2. Káka Játaka (No.146).-Once a crow came with his mate to the seashore and ate freely of the remnants of a sacrifice which had been offered by men to the Nágas and drank freely of the strong drink which he found. Both crows became drunk, and, while trying to swim in the surf, the hen-crow was washed into the sea and eaten by a fish. Hearing the husband's lamentations, many crows gathered together and started to empty the ocean, working away until ready to drop from weariness. Seeing their plight, the Bodhisatta, who was then a sea-sprite, caused a bogey to appear from the sea, frightening them away.

The story was told in reference to a number of monks who had joined the Order in their old age. They went for alms to their former wives' and children's houses, and gathering together at the house of the wife of one of them (she being particularly beautiful), placed together what each had received and ate it with sauces and curries prepared by the beautiful wife. The woman died, and the aged monks, returning to the monastery, wept aloud for their benefactress, the giver of sauces. The matter was reported to the Buddha, who identified the crows of the past with the foolish monks (J.i.497-9).

According to the Dhammapada Commentary (iii.422), the name of the woman was Madhurapáciká.

3. Káka Játaka (No.395).-The Bodhisatta was once a pigeon and lived in a net basket in the kitchen of a Benares merchant. A greedy crow, becoming intimate with him, came to live there. The cook discovered the crow trying to steal some food, and, pulling out his feathers, sprinkled him with flour, hung a chowrie round his neck and flung him into the basket.

The story closely resembles those of the Kapota Játaka and the Lola Játaka (q.v.), and is related in reference to a greedy monk (J.iii.314-16; see also Cunningham: Bharhut Stúpa, xlv. Pl.7).

The Kapota Játaka (J.i.241) makes reference to a Kaka Játaka of the Navani-páta. There is no such story in the Ninth Book; perhaps it is a wrong reading for the Cakkaváka Játaka (No.434), where the story is also related with reference to a greedy monk.

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