A mango-grove in Rájagaha, belonging to Jívaka, which he made over to the Buddha and his monks. He built a monastery in the grove, and there the Buddha stayed several times. On one such occasion Ajátasattu visited the Buddha and the Sámańńaphala Sutta was preached (D.i.47ff). The Jívaka Suttas, mentioned above, were also preached there. The mango-grove was near Maddakucchi, so thither they carried the Buddha when his foot was injured by a splinter from the rock hurled by Devadatta (DhA.ii.164, etc.).


It was in this grove that Cúlapanthaka attained arahantship, and, at that time, there were five hundred monks there (J.i.114f., etc.).


Nuns, too, appear to have gone there for their siesta. ThigA.245f.

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