l. Jatila.-A class of ascetics, so called on account of their matted hair (jatilá ti tápasá, to hi jatádháritáya idha jatilá ti vuttá) (UdA.74; see also 330). These ascetics are sometimes classed under isi (Culla Nid.149) and also under muni (Culla Nid.513).

2. Jatila.-A governor of a province (Maháratthiya) in the time of Padumuttara Buddha. He was the Bodhisatta. v.l. Jatika. J.i.37; Bu.xi.11.

3. Jatila (v.l. Jatilaka).-A setthi of Magadha, one of the five setthis of Bimbisára (DhA.i.385). His mother was a setthi's daughter in Benares, who had illicit relations with a Vijjádhara, and when the child was born she placed it in a vessel which she handed to her slave, to be floated down the Ganges. Two women, while bathing, saw the vessel, discovered what it contained and each claimed the child. The dispute was settled by the king and the child was given to the woman who happened to be a disciple of Mahá Kaccána. The child was called Jatila because the first time he was bathed after birth his hair became matted. When able to walk, he was given to Mahá Kaccána to be ordained, but the thera took him to Takkasilá and handed him over to one of his supporters, a merchant, who adopted him as his son. Years passed, and one day the merchant, having to go on a journey, made a list of the goods which he had accumulated in his house during twelve years and asked Jatila to sell them if he could find buyers. Such was the lad's fortune that in one day they were all disposed of. The merchant, realising the young man's destiny, gave him his daughter in marriage and provided him with a house. As Jatila stepped into the house, the earth behind it was rent asunder and a mountain of gold, eighty cubits in height, appeared for his use. Thereupon the king made him a Treasurer. Later, wishing to retire from the world, Jatila sent out messengers to discover if there were others as rich as he, in case the king should raise objections to his going away. When news was brought back of Mendaka and Jotika, he knew there would be no opposition and obtained the king's permission. He had three sons, but, having tested them, came to know that only the youngest had the necessary good fortune to enjoy his vast wealth. Jatila thereupon handed over to him his wealth and entered the Order, becoming an arahant within a few days. Some time afterwards the Buddha, with Jatila and other monks, was entertained for a fortnight by Jatila's sons, and in answer to the monks' questions Jatila declared that he felt no desire to re-enter household life. The monks found this hard to believe till assured by the Buddha that it was so.


In the time of Kassapa Buddha, Jatila was a goldsmith. One day, an arahant, seeking for gold wherewith to complete the shrine erected over the Buddha's remains, came to the goldsmith's house; the latter, having just quarrelled with his wife, was in a surly mood and said to the arahant, "Throw your teacher into the water and get away." His wife told him how wicked were his words, and he, realising his fault, asked pardon of the arahant and made valuable offerings at the Buddha's shrine, by way of amends. Of his three sons whom he asked, in turn, to help him with the preparations, only the youngest consented to go with him. Therefore it was that in seven successive states Jatila was thrown into the water on the day of his birth and only his youngest son could enjoy his wealth (DhA.iv.214ff; PsA.502f).


Jatila's possession of a golden mountain is given as an example of puññiddhi, he being one of the five persons of great merit. Vsm.383; BuA.24.

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