1. Jáli.-Son of Vessantara and Maddí, and brother of Kanhajiná. He and his sister were given to Jújaka as slaves, but were later rescued by the intervention of Sakka. Jáli led the army which brought Vessantara back from his hermitage. He is identified with Ráhula (J.vi.487ff; cp.i.9). See the Vessantara Játaka.

Jáli is probably also the king of the same name given in a list of Okkáka's descendants, and stated to have succeeded Vessantara (E.g., Mhv.ii.13; Dpv.iii.42).

The gift of Jáli as a slave is considered one of the greatest sacrifices made by the Bodhisatta. J.i.77; AA.i.64; DhA.i.406; Mil.275, 282, etc.


2. Jáli.-The name of two Pacceka Buddhas, occurring in a nominal list. M.iii.70; ApA.i.107.

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