The name given to the Himálaya. It is one of the seven mountain ranges surrounding Gandhamádana (SNA.i.66).

It is three hundred thousand leagues in extent (SNA.i.224), with eighty four thousand peaks its highest peak being five hundred yojanas (SNA.ii.443) In Himavá, are seven great lakes, each fifty leagues in length, breadth and depth - Anotatta, Kannamunda, Rathakára, Chaddanta, Kunála, Mandákiní and Síhappapátaka; these lakes are never heated by the sun (A.iv.101; SNA.ii.407; cf. AA.ii.759). From Himavá flow five hundred rivers. SNA.ii.437; but according to Mil.114, only ten of these are to be reckoned, the others flowing only intermittently. These ten are:  Gangá, Yamuná, Aciravatí, Sarabhú, Mahí, Sindhu, Sarassatí, Vettavatí, Vítamsá and Candabhágá.

In numerous Játakas Himavá is mentioned as the place to which ascetics retire when they leave household life. It is full of woodlands and groves, suitable for hermits (E.g., SA.i.265). In Himavá is a peak named Mahápapáta where Pacceka Buddhas die (SNA.i.129). Nágas go to Himavá to give birth to their young (SA.iii.120; cf. S.v.63). The mountain is often used in similes; it is then referred to as pabbatarájá (E.g., S.ii.137; v.464; A.iii.311; M.iii.166, etc.). Sívalí Thera once went there from Sávatthi with five hundred others. The journey took them eight days. (Details are given at ThagA.ii.138; PSA.252).

The country round Himavá was converted by Majjhima Thera (Mhv.xii.41). He was accompanied by four others: Kassapagotta, Múladeva (Alakadeva), Sahadeva and Dundubhissara (Dpv.viii.10; MT.317). Majjhima preached the Damma-cakka-ppavattana Sutta and eighty crores attained salvation. These five Theras converted five kingdoms and each ordained one hundred thousand persons (Mhv.xii.42f).

Devas brought for Asoka's use, from the Himálaya, twigs of the nágalatá to clean his teeth, healthful fruits, myrobalan, teminalia and mango fruit (Mhv.v.25f), while, for the foundation of the Mahá Thúpa, sámaneras with iddhi-power brought sweet scented marumba (Mhv.xxix.9).

The Kunála Játaka (q.v.) was preached in the region of Himavá. The Buddha took the Sákyan princes there and showed them the various features, including many mountain peaks, such as: Manipabbata, Hingulapabbata, Ańjanapabbata, Sánupabbata, and Phalikapabbata (J.v.415).

On fast days the gods assemble in Himavá and hold discourses. Sp.iv.759.

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