1. Ghata Játaka (No.355).-The story of Ghatakumára (q.v.). It was related in reference to a minister of the Kosala king. He had been the king's favourite, but then, influenced by slanderers, the king cast him into prison, where he entered the First Path. When he was released he visited the Buddha, who told him the Játaka story.

Ananda is identified with King Vanka of the Játaka. J.iii.168ff


2. Ghata Játaka (No.454).-The story of the Andhakavenhudása-putta (q.v.) and of the manner in which Ghatapandita (q.v.) assuaged the grief of his brother, Vásudeva. The introductory story resembles that of the Matthakundali Játaka.

Rohineyya is identified with Ananda and Vásudeva with Sáriputta (J.iv.79ff).

This Játaka perhaps influenced the story of Ummádacittá found in the Mahavamsa (ix.13); for its connection with the Harivamsa, see ZDMG.53, 25ff.

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