1. Gandhára.-A Pacceka Buddha mentioned in a nominal list. M.iii.69; ApA.i.106.

2. Gandhára.-One of the sixteen Mahájanapadas (countries) (A.i.213; iv.252, etc.; in the Niddesa and Mahávastu lists Gandhára is omitted and others substituted). Its capital was Takkasilá, famous for its university; its king in the time of the Buddha was Pukkusáti. There was friendly intercourse between him and Bimbisára of Magadha. Merchants and visitors from one country to another were lodged and fed at the expense of the country's king, and no tariffs were levied on their merchandise. There was constant exchange of goods and valuables, and on one occasion Bimbisára, wishing to send his friend a gift of particular value, despatched to him a letter containing news of the appearance in the world of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. When Pukkusáti read the letter he decided to become a follower of the Buddha, and ordained himself as a monk; then, leaving his kingdom, he travelled all the way to Sávatthi to see the Buddha (MA.ii.979ff). This conversion of Gandhára's' king, however, does not seem to have had the effect of converting the rest of its people to the Buddha's faith. The memory of Pukkusáti was evidently soon forgotten, for we find Moggaliputta Tissa, at the conclusion of the Third Council, sending the Thera Majjhantika to convert Gandhára (Mhv.xii.3ff).

According to Buddhaghosa's account, Pukkusáti's kingdom was over one hundred leagues in extent (MA.ii.988), and the distance from Takkasilá to Sávatthi was one hundred and ninety-two leagues (MA.ii.987; from Benares it was one hundred and twenty leagues, vísamyo-janasata; J.i.395; ii.47). There was evidently a well-known caravan route linking the two countries, although Gandhára was regarded as a paccantima janapada. (MA.ii.982; there was also constant trade between Gandhára and Videha, J.iii.365ff. It would appear from the Mahá Niddesa i.154 that Takkasilá was a regular centre of trade).

At the time of Majjhantika's visit, the people of Gandhára were being harassed by the Nága-king Aravála, and the chronicles contain details of his conversion by the monk. The Nága-king, together with his retinue, the yakkha Pandaka and his wife Háritá, became devout followers of the Buddha. Majjhantika preached the Ásívisúpama Sutta, and many thousands joined the Order. (Mhv.xii.9ff; Smp.i.64f; Dpv.viii.4).

Gandhára appears to have included Kasmíra, the two countries being always mentioned together as Kasmíra-Gandhára. They occupied the sites of the modern districts of Peshawar and Rawalpindi in the northern Punjab (PHAI. p.93). In the time of Asoka the country formed part of his empire, and is mentioned as such in Rock Edict V. Before that it was subject to the Achaemenid kings. Gandhára was always famous for its red woollen shawls (kambala) (SNA.ii.487; J.vi.501).

Another king of Takkasilá besides Pukkusáti is mentioned - namely, Naggaji, who was a contemporary of Nimi, king of Videha. (J.iii.377; cf. Ait. Bráhmana vii.34; Sat. Bráhmana viii.1, 4, 10; see also Gandhárarájá).

One of the eye teeth of the Buddha was deposited in Gandhára (Bu.xxviii.6; D.ii.167).

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