1. Gahapati Vagga.-The sixth section of the Majjhima Nikáya. M.i.339-413.

2. Gahapati Vagga.-The third section of the Atthaka Nipáta of the Anguttara Nikáya. It contains ten suttas, including the Buddha's praises of Ugga of Vesáli, Ugga of Hatthigáma, and Hatthaka Álavaka. A.iv.208-35.

3. Gahapati Vagga.-The fifth chapter of the Nidána Samyutta. S.ii.68-80.

4. Gahapati Vagga.-The thirteenth chapter of the Saláyatana Samyutta. It contains conversations between various eminent householders on the one side, and the Buddha and the monks on the other. S.iv.109-24.

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