A householder (gahapati) of Atthakanagara. One day, having finished some business which took him to Pátaliputta, he visited the Kukkutáráma to call upon Ananda. Learning that Ananda was at Beluvagáma near Vesáli, he visited him there and held a discussion with him, which is recorded in the Atthakanágara Sutta. Later, assembling the monks from Pátaliputta and Vesáli, he entertained them and presented each with two lengths of cloth, while to Ananda he gave a suit of three robes and built for him a cell costing five hundred pieces (M.i.349ff; A.v.342ff).

Buddhaghosa says (MA.ii.571; AA.ii.866) that Dasama was so called because in the order of precedence with regard to aristocracy of birth and wealth, he occupied the tenth rank.

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