1. Channa.-A Wanderer, classed among those who wore clothes (paticchannaparibbájaka). He is only mentioned once, in the Anguttara Nikáya (A.iii.215), where we are told that he visited Ananda at Sávatthi and asked him questions about the Buddha's teaching (see Channa Sutta below). Both the Sutta and the Commentary (AA.i.432) add that he was pleased with Ananda's explanation, and admitted that the Buddha's teachings were worthy of being followed, though it is not explicitly stated that he accepted them.

2. Channa.-A Thera. No particulars of his early life are available. He once stayed at Gijjhakúta, dangerously ill and suffering much pain. He was visited by Sáriputta and Mahá Cunda, and when they discovered that he contemplated suicide, they tried to deter him, promising to provide him with all necessaries and to wait on him themselves. Finding him quite determined, Sáriputta discussed with him the Buddha's teachings and then left him. Soon afterwards Channa committed suicide by cutting his throat. When this was reported to the Buddha, he explained that no blame was attached to Channa, for he was an arahant at the moment of death (M.iii.263ff; S.iv.55ff).

Buddhaghosa explains (MA.ii.1012f.; SA.iii.12f ) that after cutting his throat, Channa, feeling the fear of death, suddenly realised that he was yet a puthujjana. This thought so filled him with anguish that he put forth special effort, and by developing insight became an arahant.

Channa had friends and relations in the Vajjian village of Pubbavijjhana (v.l. Pubbavajira), and came himself from there. v.l. Chandaka.

3. Channa.-Gotama's charioteer and companion, born on the same day as Gotama (J.i.54; Mtu.ii.156, 164, 189, 233; iii.91, 262; BuA.233; SA.ii.231; DhsA.34. ThagA. (i.155) says he was the son of a servant woman of Suddhodana). When Gotama left household life, Channa rode with him on the horse Kanthaka as far as the river Anomá. There Gotama gave him his ornaments and bade him take Kanthaka back to his father's palace (A thúpa was later erected on the spot where Channa turned back; Dvy.391). When, however, Kanthaka died of a broken heart, Channa's grief was great, for he had suffered a double loss. It is said that he begged for leave to join Gotama as a recluse, but this leave was refused (J.i.64f). He therefore returned to Kapilavatthu, but when the Buddha visited his Sákiyan kinsfolk, Channa joined the Order. Because of his great affection for the Buddha, however, egotistical pride in "our Buddha, our Doctrine" arose in him and he could not conquer this fondness nor fulfil his duties as a bhikkhu. (ThagA.i.155; his verse (No.69) quoted in Thag. does not, however, refer to any such remissness on his part).


Once, when in the Ghositáráma in Kosambí, Channa committed a fault but was not willing to acknowledge it. When the matter was reported to the Buddha, he decreed that the ukkhepaniya-kamma be carried out against him, forbidding him to eat or dwell with the Sangha. He therefore changed his residence, but was everywhere "boycotted," and returned to Kosambí subdued and asking for reprieve, which was granted to him. Vin.ii.23ff. His obstinacy and perverseness are again mentioned elsewhere - e.g., Vin.iv.35, 113, 141. A patron of his once erected a vihára for him, but he so thatched and decked it that it fell down. In trying to repair it he damaged a brahmin's barley field (Vin.iii.47). See also Vin.iii.155f., 177.

Later, in a dispute between the monks and the nuns, he deliberately sided with the latter; this was considered so perverse and so lacking in proper esprit de corps, that the Buddha decreed on him the carrying out of the Brahmadanda whereby all monks were forbidden to have anything whatsoever to do with him. This was the last disciplinary act of the Buddha, and the carrying out thereof was entrusted to Ananda. D.ii.154. It would, however, appear from DhA.ii.110 that the Brahmadanda was inflicted on Channa for his having repeatedly reviled Sáriputta and Moggallána in spite of the Buddha's warning. In this version other details also vary.


When Ananda visited Channa at the Ghositáráma and pronounced on him the penalty, even his proud and independent spirit was tamed; he became humble, his eyes were opened, and dwelling apart, earnest and zealous, he became one of the arahants, upon which the penalty automatically lapsed (Vin.ii.292). In the past, Channa met Siddhattha Buddha going towards a tree, and being pleased with him, spread for him a soft carpet of leaves round which he spread flowers. Five kappas ago he became king seven times, under the name of Tinasantháraka (ThagA.i.155).


He is probably identical with Senásanadáyaka of the Apadána (i.137).


Channa is identified with the hunter in the Suvannamiga (III.187), the Gijjha (III.332), the Rohantamiga (IV.423), the Cúlahamsa (V.354), and the Maháhamsa (V.382) Játakas, with the wrestler in the Sálikedára Játaka (IV.282) and with Cetaputta in the Vessantara Játaka (VI.593). See also Channa Sutta (1) below.

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