1. Candavatí.-Wife of Assaláyana and mother of Mahá Kotthita. Ap.ii.480.

2. Candavatí.-The city wherein, at the Siláráma, Sujáta Buddha died. BuA.171.

3. Candavatí.-The birthplace of Anomadassí Buddha (J.i.36; Bu.viii.17; DhA.i.88; AA.i.85; see also Ap.i.76). There Kondańńa Buddha spent his first vassa (BuA.110). It existed also in the time of Sumedha Buddha (Ap.ii.422). It was the capital of King Vijitáví (BuA.111).

4. Candavatí.-Daughter of Brahmadatta, king of Benares. The king offered her to Lomasa-kassapa on condition that he should perform a sacrifice of beasts. Kassapa agreed but later withdrew his consent. See the Lomasa-Kassapa Játaka. J.iii.515ff; Mil.220.

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