1. Candakumára.-The son and viceroy of Ekarája, king of Pupphavatí (Benares). He was the Bodhisatta. For his story see the Khandahála Játaka (J.vi.131ff). It is also given in the Cariyá Pitaka (p.77) as the Candakumára-Cariyá. Canda is sometimes referred to as Candaka (Cyp., p.144) and sometimes as Candiya. Ibid., 137, 152, 154

2. Candakumára.-Son of Brahmadatta, king of Benares; and brother of Mahimsaka and Suriyakumára. He is identified with Sáriputta. For details see the Devadhamma Játaka. J.i.127ff; DhA.iii.73ff

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