An arahant. He was the son of a landowner, Mahá Suvanna of Sávatthi, and was called Mahá-Pála (major Pála), his brother being Culla-Pála. The boys were called Pála on account of being born through the favour of a tree deity.

Mahá-Pála heard the Buddha preach at Jetavana and entered the Order. After five years of novitiate he went with sixty others to a woodland spot to meditate. There he fell a victim to ophthalmia and was prescribed for by a doctor; but he neglected his eyes, devoting his whole time to the duties of recluse ship. He became an arahant but lost the sight of his eyes, hence his name. Later, Cakkhupála's colleagues returned to Sávatthi and, at his own request, Cakkhupála's brother sent his nephew Pálita, ordained as a monk, to fetch him. On the way through the forest, Pálita was attracted by the song of a woodcutter's wife and, bidding his uncle wait, went and sinned with her. When Cakkhupála, by questioning the novice, learnt of this, he refused to be accompanied by him, even though he should die on the way. Sakka's throne was heated, and he led the Elder safely to Sávatthi, where he was looked after by his brother to the end of his days (Thag.95; ThagA.i.195f).

It is said that in a previous birth he had been a physician, and because a woman, whose disease of the eye he had cured, tried to cheat him out of his promised reward, he gave her a drug which completely ruined her eyes. DhA.i.15ff, where several details are given regarding Cakkhupála which are not mentioned here.

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