1. Bhaddasála. One of the chief disciples of Nárada Buddha (J.i.37; Bu.x.23).

He was a brahmin of Thullakotthita and, together with his friend Vijitamitta, he went in search of the Lake of Immortality (Amatarahada). During their travels they met Nárada Buddha and entered the Order under him, later becoming arahants. BuA.154.

2. Bhaddasála. A dryad; see the Bhaddasála Játaka.

3. Bhaddasála Thera. An arahant. He accompanied Mahinda to Ceylon (Mhv.xii.7; Dpv.xii. 12, 38; Sp.i. 62, 70). Sirimeghavanna made an image of him and placed it in a shrine near his palace. v.1. Bhaddanáma. Cv.xxxvii.87.

4. Bhaddasála. A tree in the Rakkhitavanasanda in the Párileyyaka forest where the Buddha stayed during his retirement. Ud.iv.5; Vin.i.352.

5. Bhaddasála. A general of King Nanda; he waged war against Candagutta. In that war took place eighty Corpse Danees, where headless corpses arose and danced in frenzy over the battle field. Mil.292.

6. Bhaddasála Thera. A monk of Ceylon. Mahásiva was greatly devoted to him, and built for him the Nagarangana vihára to the east of Anurádhapura. Mhv.xxi.2.

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