He belonged to a brahmin family of Sávathi, and, after hearing the Buddha preach, he entered the Order. While meditating in a forest tract in Kosala, he grew slothful and rough in speech. One day the Buddha, seeing his maturing insight, appeared before him in a ray of glory and admonished him with averse. Belatthánika was filled with agitation and soon after became an arahant.

In the time of Vipassí Buddha he was a brahmin teacher, and, while wandering about with his pupils, he saw the Buddha and offered him seven flowers. Twenty nine kappas ago he became king under the name of Vipulábhása (Thag.vs.101; ThagA.i.205f).

He is probably identical with Campakapupphiya of the Apadána. Ap.i.167.

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