1. Abhibhú.-Chief disciple of Sikhí Buddha (D.ii.9; J.i.41; Bu.xxi.20). In the Arunavatí Sutta it is said that he went with Sikhí to a Brahma-world and, at the Buddha's request, preached a sermon to the accompaniment of great magical powers. He proved that by using just such speech as if he were preaching to a gathering of monks, he could, standing in the Brahma-world, make his voice heard by its thousand realms (S.i.154f). The verses spoken on this occasion are, in the Theragáthá, ascribed to Abhibhúta (v.1147-8).

In the Anguttara Nikáya (i.226f.; AA.i.436f ) we find Ananda asking the Buddha how far Abhibhú's powers bore relation to those of a Buddha, and the Buddha replying that Abhibhú was a mere disciple, and proceeding to describe the immeasurable powers of the Tathágata.

Abhibhú was a brahmin because we find him so addressed in the Arunavatí Sutta referred to above, but in the Buddhavamsa Commentary (p.202) he is spoken of as a rájaputta.

In the Patisambhidhámagga Commentary (488f ) his story is given as an example of vikubbana-iddhi whereby a person could make himself seen in many places at the same time. We are told that he developed nílakasina, to attract to himself the attention of the world systems.

The Thera Adhopupphiya had been a hermit in Himavá during the time of Sikhí Buddha and had offered flowers to Abhibhú. Ap.i.128-9.


2. Abhibhú.-A class of devas belonging to the Arúpa-plane (M.i.1). They live in the same plane as the Vehapphalá. In the Múlapariyáya Sutta the word is used to denote all the Asaññasattádevá. Buddhaghosa explains the word by saying abhibhaví ti Abhibhú; kim abhibhaví ti ? cattáro khandhe, arúpino. They are beautiful and long-lived, and are therefore considered to be eternal and identical with Brahmá (MA.i.30). In the Brahmanimantanika Sutta (M.i.329) the Buddha claims to be Abhibhú (=the conqueror).


3. Abhibhú.-The name of a Bodhisatta who obtained vivarana under Gotama. He will become the sixth Buddha after Gotama. Anágata Vamsa, p.37.


1. Abhibhú Sutta.-On the immeasurableness of a Buddha's powers. A.i.226f.; also called the Síhanada Sutta in the Commentary.


2. Abhibhú Sutta.-On the eight stages or stations of mastery over the senses (abhibháyaphanáni) (A.iv.305f).

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